Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ipod Touch Bloons Tower Defence Walkthrough

Merry Christmas? Finally

For Christmas theme has recently a young maverick and free thinker a critical text written.
This is quoted in the original:

am I too once again swept away by the weihnachtseurphorie total, even so bad that I'm coming up again. It goes so non that already 3 months before starting the whole kackchose already sent echoes is with this stupid Gingles, yet stupid special offers Recruitment and total beshcissenen that are so cheap that it even can practically "not at all" resist to buy the manure. I mean that this is only about commerce is hot so everyone would hopefully realize because of where it sucks (which I personally very would find honest) would probably buy the whole nation in gingerbread kakckhaufenform and figures on Christmas Eve would kackbraune crap phones, game consoles, lego and singing. this was only a short statement as me all the shit in peace and non-can you can go to the rubbish nichmal ausm away. Christmas in this sense in the bin, solidarity and comity every day.

Instead superficial gifts that will keep the proletariat rather quiet here words of our great Chairman:

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer with which we destroy the class enemy!

weapons of mass instead of silent night!
Revolution, not Christmas!

The picture great derived from these pages:

Friday, December 18, 2009

How Big Are Models Compared To The Average Person

circuit with noise and dirt!

As explained in our article on the striking milk farmers (http://maolebt., let us again focus on a local political issue.
is again is a problem that the rest of the left is often overlooked or considered unimportant, even ridiculous is dismissed.
However, we can only reiterate how important it is to help people on site to show them something, solidarity, and so left by bit to get back into a mass movement.
Unfortunately, in Central Europe today, not a serious mass movement, the more it applies only to direct. It is today, much to blame for academic left largely over who is today still in the factories to make important groundwork? Therefore, we must build this mass movement from the grassroots revolutionary!
And where should we start better than our front door.
This does not mean that we do not have solidarity with the struggles in other countries or do not care about bigger problems. We are
selbstverstädnlich solidarity with the oppressed of all peoples, whether in Kurdistan, Palestine, Colombia and Nepal!
However, now the actual topic.
For years, people in southern Baden-noise and exhaust are exposed to harassment. This is caused by running through their neighborhoods, busy streets.
initiatives of those affected are ignored by the ruling class of course. Be it finally
roof over the distance between the two tunnels in Freiburg East or bypass roads, or better to build the same tunnel. Thus, the people in Hell Valley daily noise and dirt first project, because instead of building a tunnel through the state rather Höllental buys weapons for the imperialist state of Israel!
Even those of Freiburg moves into the quiet town house property, runs, while by many small villages, protest in which workers living there with signs against the harassment and threats by their place of running B31!
While the bourgeoisie in their secluded villas in Herdern fresh air inhaled by the workers is small and made sick on by gases.
This is just one example among many of the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
ask why we solidarity with the people who fight for better living conditions in their neighborhoods!
low with the ruling class!
For the Revolution!
More info:, rat-study-research-exhaust _arid, 2002892_regid, 2_puid, 2_pageid, 4293.html "
http:/ /

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Imax Silvercity Seating Chart

Beat the reactionaries ....

... where you find them!
After we were able to report almost 2 months from the fact that Juergen Riedel was taken by the shock, we now have the next message to the dangers in the life of a reactionary.
Silvio Berlusconi was taken at a public meeting by a missile from marble.
The result is a broken nose, two teeth less, and a torn lip.
better than nothing.
While Antifas make puppet show in Germany at the Christmas market, the Southern Europeans show us once again as it better.
But it's long been known that the proletariat has the peoples of the European south reolutionäres a much higher potential, compared with the submissive masses in Central Europe.

solidarity with the revolutionary struggle in all countries!
freedom for Massimo!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

U.s.n. Mark 1 Camillus

1989OST/WEST2009 - ten artists in dialogue

latest information on the exhibition and the program

Monday, December 7, 2009

Do Muscle Milk Stunt Growth

Chrome developer tools

An introduction to the Developer of Chrome is here:

with many videos and useful Docs

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Maternity Sizes For Acu

Model your City

What makes your city so livable?

the Chocolate Pages Show your community in a 3D portrait that can see the whole world will win, and You are lucky a great price! Put your city on the largest map ever - Google Earth!


The winner or winning team will receive:

  • 10,000 U.S. dollars for the local public school administration, or a corresponding device internationally comparable
  • visit to a Google team, which also an official award ceremony will be held
  • a video profile of the winning team and his city to YouTube
  • a virtual tour of the winning city, available on the website of great Google Earth
  • international attention through blog posts, tweets and other media
  • further mention on the websites of Google
sounds. Let's see what happens.

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Toddler Is Rarely Hungry Always Thirsty

Google Wave Shortcuts

Via the

The ULTIMATE W a v e Reference V 1.1
by Daniel David Allen

  • CTRL + C Copies the selected text
  • CTRL + X Cuts the selected text
  • CTRL + V Pastes the text you have copied or selected
  • CTRL + E with wavelet selected: Edit selected wave
  • CTRL + B Bolds/unbolds selected text
  • CTRL + I Italicizes/unitalicizes selected text
  • CTRL + K Adds a link
  • CTRL + [number] Makes size of heading [number]. Options are 1-4
  • CTRL + 5 Adds bullets
  • CTRL + 6 Removes formatting from text
  • CTRL + 7 Align text to the left
  • CTRL + 8 Align text to the right
  • CTRL + SPACE Marks all messages "read" when focus is on the Wave panel
  • CTRL + CLICK on multiple waves in your list: Open multiple waves simultaneously
  • UP / DOWN Arrow keys allow you to navigate through messages in your account
  • HOME Takes you to the first message in a wave
  • END Takes you to the last message in a wave
  • LEFT/RIGHT Arrows Switches focus between the compose window and the inbox
  • PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN Takes you to the next page within a panel
  • SPACEBAR while not editing a blip: sends you to the next unread item in your list
  • SHIFT + ENTER with blip selected: Responds to the selected blip. If you are already responding, it is equal to pressing Done
TAB with a blip selected: Sequentially cycles through all the blips in a wave

Friday, November 27, 2009

What Is The Best Belkin Tunebase Of 2010

KTS demo follow

After the last of the Freiburg Inzenierungsversuch pseudo-left has failed miserably, the mood in the direction to be 12:12 not really aggressive.
Whether the lack of support now on the inside of the revolutionary base may be due to a drug shortage or is difficult to assess. Well luckily, some stents, the bosses were not getting their fat.
calls to the amusement of the masses RAHW hereby made for a competition in terms of demo motto. Creative suggestions here please post in the comments.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Meade #62 Olympus E510

GTUG NA about to rock n roll


Google Group :

mailing list:


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cottage Ham & Potatoes Receipe

music music music

makes the blood red but our hearts beat faster!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hacking Rom Pokemon Ds Pour Mac

Wave hackathon in December 2009

Hello GTUG Munich. addressed

How the Wave Special To In December we hold a wave hackathon.

To set the framework we need from you a fixed application. Event date is the weekend 19/20 December, when location is most likely the CDTM.

What we are looking for someone who can possibly help us financially to keep the hungry pack developers in check and to provide them with caffeine. Those who addressed here and would like to contribute feel can contact me via @ gtugmunich / nils @ / +49 1799429701 - this is not from experience but rather to 100s to maybe 100-200 € for finger food and cola. Would be great.

To date:
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome / acquaintance / coffee / build laptops
10:30 - 11:30 API overview, demos
11:30 to 12:30 group brainstorming
12:30 Lunch Time
from 13 - Open End Hacking
10:00 GetTogether and bug fixing
10:30 - Open End presentation of the projects

Registration Forms via Google, as always, places are limited. With 30 entries we make first, all of which are then automatically on the waiting list. If the response is very large, is perhaps something to do with the location.

Link to registration form .

important Ganz, who still needs a wave Invite (or several) please sign up to the 30th of November at me, I turn then to the collected list directly to the Wave team.

Gruss Nils

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What Does Megan Good Use On Her Hair?

art auction in the manor house: Frank Diersch auctioned on 21 November 2009 for the Gallery Forum Amalienpark art

Berlin, 08 November 2009 . It's that time again: The Gallery Forum Amalienpark held again this year, a large art auction. On 21.11.2009 by 17 clock Diersch Frank is the historical cavalier house in the Broad Street 45 in Pankow as auctioneer active. Come under the hammer about 150 works by artists such as Jürgen Böttcher (Strawalde), Wolfgang liver, Walter Herzog, Hans Vent, the artist group Amalie Park and some new discoveries. Auctions will be seen and works by Barbara Beisinghoff whose current exhibition of etchings, water marks and book art to Christa Wolf, Marina Tsvetaeva and the Jewish poet Gertrud Kolmar until 21/11/2009 at the Gallery Amalie Park, in the immediate vicinity of the cavalier house.

Breite Straße 45, 13187 Berlin
Saturday 21 November 2009 by 17 clock
(admission free)
Friday 20. November 2009, 15-21 Clock
Saturday 21 November 2009, 14-17 Clock

Prior to the works of art up for auction on Friday, 20 November 2009 at the time of 15-21 Clock, and be viewed on the auction from 14 clock in the manor house. The proceeds will be the artists and the non-profit association of art and literature forum Amalienpark benefit eV.

The organizers, gallery Forum Amalie Park belongs to the non-profit association of art and literature eV Amalie Forum Park, in 2001, was founded at the initiative of the publisher Gerhard Wolf. Gallery and art auctions are meeting places in the district, "Pankow has recently Time changes furious "notes Annette Gunderson, the club president," New faces have come to many young families and art lovers. It is also for our gallery or our literature and art club a huge opportunity to make new contacts. Our gallery offers a lot - not only interesting art works on auction day. We cordially invite everybody! "

The club also includes the art studio in Amelia Park with a hand press Pankow. The artists who work in their studios around the Amelia Park, have formed a group of artists. Among them Günter Blendinger, Regina Conrad, Peter Dettmann, Ellen Fuhr, Annette Gundermann, Dorothy Helen Jacobs, Liz Mields-Kratochwil and Regina Müller-Husch. In the present Forum Gallery Amalienpark the artists in their current work regular exhibitions, some in collaboration with the literary forum. The focus is on the mediation of contemporary visual art as well as in the study of literary themes. The exhibitions and readings known German artists such as Günther Grass, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Achim Freyer, Sarah Haffner and Günther Uecker complete the gallery of life.

works of subsequent artists to be auctioned on 21.11.2009 in the manor house

David Stephen Allen
Barbara Beisinghoff
Linde Bishop
Günter Blendinger
Jürgen Böttcher (Strawalde)
Hans Brosch
Regina Conrad
Fritz Cremer
Martin Enderlein
Sonja ash box
Klaus Fuchs
Ellen Fuhr
Carsten Gille
Kerstin Göldner
Prof. Dieter Goltzsche
Annette Gundersen
Angela Hampel
Kerstin Heller
Volker Henze
Sabine Herrmann
Walter Herzog
Martin Hoffmann
Dorothy Helen Jacobs
Lilo Karsten
Petra Maria Kessler
Klaus Killisch
Wolfgang liver
Helge body
Monika Meiser
Liz Mields-Kratochwil
Regina Müller-Huschke
Roland Nicolaus
Eva Niemann
Christina Pohl
Thomas Ranft
Dagmar Ranft-Schinke
Klaus Schade Roenspieß
Petra Schramm
Alexander Sgonina
Margot Sperling
Max Stock
Hans Vent
Heidi Vogel
Michael Voges
Nham- Voelkel-Hee Song
Veronica Wagner
Markus Winkler
Runhild Wirth
Alexa Wlachopulos
Franz Anatol Wyss
Renate Zeun

Monday, November 2, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Singlet

KTS Demo Part 2

We want something subsequent to the anti-fascist demonstration of the KTS say left. Not only do we have fundamental criticism of the demonstration, as such, it creeps us even at the thought of who will be present at this demonstration. In Freiburg it is foreseeable that it is not the usual collection of so-called "autonomous", anarchists and the usual forms of some insignificant remains subcultures that inhabit each other "left" demonstration. In Freiburg, with the full range of any remnants left social experiments of recent decades to be expected. There is a large part of hippies, "green alternative" and other petty bourgeois conformist expected. be expected even with the unspeakable anti-German! If not even this imperialist genocide friends and supporters away from the demonstration are we really see no hope for the left in Freiburg.

In all of this must not be forgotten that, above all, a demonstration against fascism but capitalism does not judge, himself a laughing stock there. Those who carefully studied the works of our great thinkers, will soon come out that fascism can only exist thanks to capitalism. If the monopoly capitalists must have once again fear for her full sacks of money, again made the attempt the working class will seduce to fascism as a crisis solution. This was unfortunately in the history of success, but from this we have learned that it is to us to prevent this by the Working class in revolution shattered their chains! If we then have to call the demonstration read: "Like everywhere needs fascism is a consistent answer, and together they confront the Nazis, by all means! ", we can only shake his head and answers: How does every fascism is a consistent answer and say: Workers of the world unite!

Let's be honest, who is such a demonstration in the Antifas look etc. can only laugh anyway. A few hundred
pubescent and hung-looking hooded sweaters as the petty criminal children the uncoordinated walking around in the area.
Who knows how the great masses of the chairman could put in motion for sowetwas than a smile to spare.
looks like a determined mass of this article can be seen.

Directions Make A Flour Baby

Maoism instead Antifa!

On 14:11 09 will take place in Freiburg as a Demostration under the motto "autonomous centers antifa fascist in the future." Of course, again unannounced, at 14 am Schwabentor clock.

given Nela Börnstedtin, spokeswoman of the RAHW:
We see this demonstration as a new Selbstinzenierungsversuch the Freiburg left! For an anti-fascism of the existence of a measly few rooms open space where you can write undisturbed reefs and confused text is returned as a hollow egg on a table!
A gust of wind and the egg is flying to the ground and breaks! Without the rock-hard foundation of a mass movement under their feet can all still so naivgut intentioned anti-fascism achieve nothing!

We call on the RAHW therefore a counter-demonstration. Before we did not agitate the masses and the proletariat have not returned the class consciousness we can not "anti-fascist" act!
Please come, come unvermummt! At 14:00 on the clock shopping center in Weingarten!
We want finally a revolutionary mass movement in Freiburg!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Motels In Mississauga By The Hour?

Rieger Free at last!

The squad fascist Jürgen Rieger is dead!
Do not go on it more this reactionary prick!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Is The Best Football Visor?

Tatana Kellner and Ann Kalmbach from Women's Studio Workshop (USA) presented artists' books in the gallery Amalienpark

on 22/10/2009 Tatana Kellner and Ann Kalmbach presented by Women's Studio Workshop (New in Rosendale York), a selection of hand-printed books. Barbara Beisinghoff, whose current exhibition currently on view in Gallery Forum Amalie Park is managed to invite for their artists' books in the world-known artists to Berlin. The audience was fascinated by the incredible possibilities of working with paper and book production. Women's Studio Workshop was founded in 1974 and is known as the largest publisher of handmade art books in the United States. They help artists to realize their artistic visions in a professional environment. Six artists and three interns annually changing work in the large workshops and guest artists to help with their projects. Antique papermaking, Screen printing, book printing and photography, not least among the focal points.

"Friend raising" is the common aim of the work and the many courses in schools or in the now well-known print-making workshop in Tuscany. The approximately 180 artists' books published to document the individual critical view of women in society. Many universities have art book collections of Women's Studio Workshop and have taken up their studies in the curriculum. Among the permanent collectors Yale University, Indiana University and University of Delaware. Other artists' books can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate Gallery in London.

More information:

BARBARA Beisinghoff etching, watermarks, installation, book art of Gertrud Kolmar , Marina Tsvetaeva and Christa Wolf's Kassandra
Location: Park Gallery Forum Amalie, Breite Str 2, 13187 Berlin-Pankow,
Phone / Fax: 030/33 02 80 95
opening times: 17. October to 21 November 2009, Tuesday to Friday 14.00-19.00 clock, Saturday 11.00-16.00 clock
Admission: free


22.10.2009, 19 clock: Tatana Kellner and Ann Kalmbach present artists' books from Women's Studio Workshop, New York (in English with German translation)

11.13.2009, 19.30 Clock: Blanche Kommerell reads Gertrud Kolmar, Marina Tsvetaeva and Christa Wolf's Kassandra (admission € 6)

14.11.2009, 14-18 Clock Open Studios in pankow barbara Beisinghoff: talks and tours of the exhibition 11.20.2009, 18 clock Closing: artists' books is Barbara Beisinghoff Edition of "The Glass Bubble "before

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Muscled Woman Strangled

GTUG Munich Android Special, 10/09/2009

Last week she met with the Munich GTUG again experience in the Google cafeteria to the second edition of the Android evening. After the first evening with 75 + participants was slightly overbooked, I had set for this evening is a limit at 50 participants. I would probably not needed, it was with 40 of 50 people at a relatively high NoShowRate. Too bad we had a lot of food disposed of by the catering, the next time your time . Cancel

But back to the evening, we started out of respect for Damon's evening out with Damon and Android Scripting Environment. The slides and the link refers to the project at the end of her blog posts. I enjoyed the good, Damon was also happy, perfect.

#gtugmuc started off with Damon Kohler Android Scripting Envi... on Twitpic

Since I had already heard the talk I used the time for me to make a fruit salad in the chillout area at the Google cafeteria cozy. Relaxation I've earned me as an organizer, right?

went after a short break we continue with Mark and his Android Development Lecture. Mark has been the criticism from the last time you did this to heart, live demo of Twitter clients, and live coding, slightly shorter all liquid, excellent work. Find the lecture and the link to Mark blog and Twitter account, and the latest Android SDK, you also at the end of this article.

changed According to Mark, we talk at lunch and socializing. Some threw themselves in front of the Playstation and I was taken off in Guitar Hero. Must be connected to my lack of exercise are, at least I was beaten.

Thanks to the limitation of the participants was the entire meeting, this time a little more airy and air-conditioning was produced with the heat well to keep up. The buffet was, as always, very very tasty, many thanks to Google for their support.

The last talk we had with Alexander Illg "Deploying BUSINESS Android Application". The talk was not that very technical, I was thrilled nonetheless. Technical problems have been dealt with also (as is the mobile client large amounts of data, such as updates are deployed, etc) but the core problems were behind a real business application, for my part I completely unknown. Thanks Alex, well done.

its next meeting the GTUG probably until the end of November, after my parents' time and Wave a hackathon. An Android Hackathon is also being planned, so stay tuned.

Finally, my thanks to all participants, Christine Google for the easy use of the canteen, Jens Google once again he has sacrificed his spare time GTUG and came to Munich for the speaker for the great lectures and all other the spreading of the appointment. The images will

to events and to their earlier here:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Whento Capitalize Existentialism

Google Code Jam

Google startet die Google Code Jam 2009:

Do you enjoy solving tough problems and grappling with technical challenges? Then enter Google Code Jam !

Google Code Jam is a coding competition in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time. The contest is all-inclusive: Google Code Jam lets you program in the coding language and development environment of your choice.

Google Code Jam starts in September, when you will compete in online rounds against contestants from around the world. From the ranks of those contestants will be chosen the 25 best, who will travel to Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. There, on Friday, November 13 , they will compete for ACRush's title of Code Jam Champion.

Don't be left out! Make sure to register between August 10 and September 3 , and show your coding creativity in Google Code Jam

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Was The Deck Of Cards Always In Troubl E

GTUG Munich, 23/07/09

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic Das zweite GTUG München Treffen stand wohl unter a lucky star, I can not otherwise explain how the nearly 90 registered participants have come and the (corrected ) over 75 developers present.

While it was hot as hell in the densely packed Google canteen, so hot that the air conditioning went on strike and the sweat condensed on the ceiling, but people were still in a good mood. There was laughter, clapping, discussed and puzzled. Already, shortly before 19:30, we, because of all the previous tickets, with Damon's talk on his 20% project - started Android Scripting Environment and from then on full of energy to 22 clock kept going. Sun clock from 22, according to Jens lecture on Google AppEngine Java thinned the ranks and back small discussion groups remained significantly more air to breathe.

In between Tom and myself, especially Tom (thank you), directly from the Silicon Valley flown Marketingkram (no manure) to be related to the people. Next time we'll hopefully have more T-shirts and other swag.

but I admit, I have unfortunately noticed relatively little of the papers, I was very write with Twitter (@ gtugmunich ) ( Dokuwiki ) or busy chatting. Particularly with Darren on the future of DevDusk , GTUG in Frankfurt and generally just as all that with our activities event organizers have to do. In addition, of course, on the edge of family and professional future. Thanks Darren was really great to see you again real.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic very end helped all the rest while the canteen to make habitable again. Thanks again for that. Loads of empty bottles (about 10 cases), soft drinks, beer, iced tea and the empty plates were neatly transported back to their destination. Unfortunately I've forgotten the mountain dishes to take a picture that would be a nice hook for this blog post was.

My thanks to all participants, the group manager GTUG for the tips and advice to Stephanie from Google, which has sent me a large stack Swag from Silicon Valley, to all the participants that I've blocked because otherwise we would not have fit into the canteen for their understanding, Google specifically to the marketing for the great food supply and the provision of canteen again to Google for support in the organization including Christine Lauber, Jens Trapp and Thomas Steiner on O'Reilly for user friendly books that made an excellent giveaway to the DevDusk Frankfurt the crew in all seriousness, the 400km road have made us to be the GTUG to see me again and then also gone home have (you are the crazy guys) and of course the speakers, Damon, Mark, tungsten, and Jens, and a final time to Jens and Tom which I do via email / chat and in person probably close to the edge of a nervous breakdown have with my questioning because all possible to organize the little things GTUG events.

And finally to my wife every now and then their spinners in the evening can get out to celebrate with other nerds and a happening after all the details to listen. I love you, thank you.

Addendum: I've
Damon and Mark asked her to keep Androidvorträge again if date and location, we have provided. Besides I have the papers in HD on the camcorder. Do I just convert and upload, so please be patient.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Red Dot On The Tip Of My Tongue For Years

GTUG Munich, 01/04/09

So, the Google API meeting is over and the result is the newly established GTUG-MUC, the Google Technology User Group in Munich found at http://gtug- (Thanks to Martin Assmann for domain sponsorship)

Currently the group consists primarily of me and Martin, visitors to the API base table but were quite interested in this type of technology to hold meetings more often. Google itself sponsors However, the location on a "case to case" basis, in so far as I am of any proposal will cost nothing and around 30 people and offers space has possibly a video projector, very happy.

Back to the event that Jens Trapp and I am Google SEM Roundtable devised and in the months after that then brought back to life.

I had counted nearly 25 people, two of Google, Bigmouthmedia and three out of a lot of familiar faces. What I had expected in any case, the whole (rule of thumb) 30 people, including some who I had known at all. Great, thanks.

The mood was good, Jens and Tom had devised a good portfolio that was not too detailed to be bored, but still technical enough to satisfy even the nerdy visitor satisfaction.

Tom fights today by the way, on the first evening Berlin GTUG meeting, we hope that he can once again spend a few evenings in peace and without all the questions at home with his family. Thanks Tom.

Who wants to know more on the subject of the evening finds the information in the archive / Dokuwiki under , 04/01/2009

The evening I liked well, the Location in the Google cafeteria and the "small" Buffet was amazing and yes I want to Google. They that have an XBOX and a PS3 and terribly delicious food. And very nice people / developers. GTUG Munich there will definitely be back in any case, targeted roughly at the end of July, preceded by at least nothing for me, from vacation technical reasons and because of other commitments -> Webmontag, game camp, DevDusk.

thanks go to Jens, to Tom, to Google and all I have now forgotten.