Thursday, October 28, 2010
Best Pain Killer Before Waxing
The profession of journalism has become a network of others in times of culture, we have today learned of the journalists Bernd Schwedhelm. The changes relate to the content and editorial work, the increasing importance of technical know-how, what new work processes and thus has new content to follow. The editorial content of publishers and broadcasters on the WWW is so fast and efficient access to us Vorinternetzeitalter appears as an era were artificially scarce in the knowledge and information. In addition, expand social networks, wikis and blogs, the range of freely available information. The professional journalist is facing stiff competition in its function as a knowledge broker. The newspaper reader, editorial dependent on the selection, meets an editorial for him, is replaced by the user who obtains the message themselves. And thus changed the message because the reader already has become a matter to a provider of information: During these social networks and blogs and comment columns.
Schwedhelm draws attention to the trend of personalized information. If the machine keeps track of what interests me, then they may modulate the contents of it and I do not have to throw away half the newspaper.
We as scientists ask us: our channels of knowledge acquisition and negotiation are there still relevant? Schwedhelm speaks of the digital knowledge society in which other skills are in demand, as they did ten years ago.
also our understanding of the presentation of research results will change. Surprisingly, the discussion in the web application Wikipedia played a central role, some speakers said the interested listener a degree of skepticism about such a blatant free knowledge to recognize. Wikipedia heard criticism among historians now have good form. Surprisingly, the somewhat controversial debate was because the lecturer Wikipedia had previously not mentioned at all. I believe striking on this issue time and again that the disadvantages of the Wikipedia, in contrast to the disadvantages of the printed encyclopaedia somewhat overstated. In the plenary session was the concept of Digital Divide .
A listener noted the interesting question is not necessarily that something off, but why it is seen as divisive. A good word to end a stimulating lecture.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Red Curved Lines In Sony Projection
"Heroes Twilight: The crisis of the men and why they are also dangerous for women "(Pantheon Verlag 2010)
Admission: 7,50 €, reduced 5 €
event accompanying the exhibition " Images of Men "
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What Lubricat To Use To Masterbate In The Shower
First is the thanks to all who have appeared today in such numbers. Thought might be that I am a new space endeavor, since even the large B108 is too small.
Please note that the next date take place but in any case must still here.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
What Type Of Wood To Use For Boat
After the
RAHW now a long time on the Internet have been inactive for those who are not bound by our demand structures determine what is going on.
Now, the revolutionary events now taking place not even on the web. We have linked in particular with other revolutionary groups continued and expanded revolutionary alliances further, for example, could be intensified our cooperation with the ARAN.
is the most important result of our work is the new youth organization of RAHW, the Revolutionary Proletarian Youth Freiburg! The RAHW is delighted by the strong influx of young men and women with revolutionary aspirations! The Revolutionary Proletarian Freiburg Youth will deal particularly with issues that are important for young people. So you focus will be in the near future, especially a campaign against the academy in Freiburg demon.
Freiburg is one of those prime examples in Germany for a city that is poisoned by student lack of culture and its revolutionary potential is buried by the dilution of the academic left. Instead of going to the factories and to agitate the revolutionary base is discussed in rather decadent reading circles. Next we argue about the gender segregation in toilets and is seeking primarily the proletarian resistance in the 3rd Reich denigrate. While
this blend of academic and racist rant anti-German theirs, vulgar Marxism celebrates twisting, liberal hero of the Frankfurt school remains a revolutionary work based on the track. In this situation the RAHW pointed out many times. The Revolutionary Proletarian Youth Freiburg will accept this situation now active. The universities of Freiburg can attract warm when the fury of the proletarian youth directed against them!
The RAHW is stronger than ever before! In times in which unarmed freedom fighters attacked aid convoys by imperialist armies and the anger of the people in Stuttgart is suppressed by the imperialist state, is a mass revolutionary movement more urgent than ever!
you Connects to the revolutionary strike against capitalism and imperialism!
Come to RAHW or Revolutionary Proletarian Youth!
International Revolution, now, now now!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Synthroid And Urine Smell
" man enough for the labor market?
JelliBelly Hairy Products to produce natural authority "
Are you sure that you earn as much as your colleagues?
earn When equally qualified women in the Federal Republic on average 25% less than male colleagues in comparable position. Also Men reap criticism and disadvantages for "inadequate masculine" appearance. As a reason for pay differences are often indecisive and given too little challenging behavior in salary negotiations.
also sell you at cost?
(free admission!)
(event accompanying the current exhibition "Images of Men" )
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Free Emcee Welcoming Speech
Histnet The Swiss Blog had in recent weeks repeatedly about the benefits and disadvantages of the Wikipedia reports from scientific point of view of history. The comment columns were filled. Now the debate is seemingly out of control. "There has achieved in recent days, the level of individual contributions to our comment column of concern, depression, is the comments to the relevant items now off," writes Peter Haber today on the blog.
The question is to what extent one has to put up with critical comments, is never the responsibility of the respective Blogbetreibers.Die Netiquette be aware of all commentators, however.
Pink Hinari Lifestyle Microwave
is noteworthy in the report of time online, not that historians deal with computer games. Remarkably, the rather sophisticated and intelligent view of the Professor Angela Black (wins) does so.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Normal Dvd On 1080p Tv
My dear colleague and friend Christian Heuer originally wanted to write a comment on my entry . This has become so good that it deserves its own theme. Chris Heuer is now regularly post on this blog. Christian, welcome!
THINK - published utopian!
Christian Heuer
I think that here is not about questioning the digitization is in itself, but rather the defensive behavior of traditional cultural institutions and people in relation to the new. Here the fear of loss of power and identity and the apparent abandonment painstakingly achieved through knowledge-authority-control a central role. always focused on media technology wegscheider "apocalyptic" and "integrated" over (so already Umberto Eco 1987). today just "digital natives" vs. "digital immigrants". the internet as a communication medium, and the digitalization and networking of knowledge in the net, raises the classic division of labor between producers and consumers and thus the technical differentiation between sender and receiver. ultimately, however, it experienced the power relationship between gate-keeper and recipient a fundamental transformation. already in the twenty years from the cultural theorist Walter Benjamin calls for the "expropriation of the media apparatus by the masses" it has never been as close as today. the traditional analog media to be involved in digital media contexts, whose contents can complement, altered, erased and rewritten. the occurring phases of the inevitable anxiety that a "generation change" (giesecke michael) are associated with the detachment phenomena, . Accompany the fear of digitization and hold on to the "myth of the book culture" (Giesecke 2002), such as the fear of "abuse of sources" in the digital media group, has thus reasons for me not least economic power. it is about this question of holding and its interpretive to that of the liquefied traditions (see on this than for the uwe items of jochum: copyright without quite as state and bureaucracy by means of open expropriate access researchers in.. Lettre International 87 (2009), p. 7-12).
that the discipline of history teaching is subject to the same fears, is already clear when one considers the recent work of the historical learning in virtual space by reading that are part of a media and cultural pessimism pervaded duktus that you are not on the lack of digital networking of history teaching publications surprise. Or to put it more technical nature: the most geschichtsdidaktikerInnen lack the generic skills, or the lack of media access to the generic expectations of each. the internet is just not a book, and would also be none at all!
but now lead to the field that there has been no teaching of history are working in digital form, as Becker has done in his contribution, go to the "reality" by most, but is still controversy as welcome news. but he who bitteschön has interest because a form of history teaching in non-digital publications? the sales figures of all history teaching journals go back and also be relevant monographs and compilations, but fell only marginally and only in some of the perceived own guild. I would still consider me as a publisher too, why I should not even offer these products as an ebook.
here would offer course content digitization chance or rather the adaptation of scientific publications to the new reading habits of a large. publish in the web 2.0 means but do not make available to provide content in digital form-of, but Rather, new formats are, platforms and media alliances developed and created, the contents differently - just in grid-like structure and in open access - transport.
but that is no longer a question of technology. not because last must for thinking and change very well read and habits that take time and, above all people that face these new challenges and first of all concepts and possibilities for design and test, "the machine is us!" (michael wesh ). It is important to make the digitization and not about to stop them or with their protests "apell heidelberger" to meet such as the. the digitization and the Internet are not useful tools and media in the classic. the digitization spins networks, perform in which education and subjectification (see the recently released study by Birgit Richard among others. flickering youth - noisy images Internet culture in web 2.0 bielefeld 2010.) and in which scientific publishing be altered must if we continue with the scientific concepts of public, would define communication and pluralistic competitive, "what is lacking at the moment is simply the obliquity. do not be so realistic, utopian thinking and living, not political or techno. what we need now are motions, we have enough technology. "(Geert Lovink). Which is nothing more to add except the appeal: THINK!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Severe Headache After Giving Birth
Every scientist should you ever have wondered why he gets on accounts of individual authors only after weeks of waiting for access. Books are sold out, already on loan or have to be ordered via interlibrary loan cumbersome. The answer is so simple as depressing: The publishers missed the need for quick access to available knowledge. Karl-Heinz Schneider is rightly disturbed by fold internal debates that challenge the very principle of digitization in question. So far, seems the demand for electronic books still to be low, but the alert observer will hardly escape, that the artificial scarcity of knowledge, coupled with unfriendly author publishing structure their heyday may have long since behind him. Whilst so far only has Apple's iPad user expectations in terms of ease of use can satisfy, but is also evident here a remarkably dismal range of electronic publications. Why?
Few scientific publishing relies on parallel digital publications. The publishers obviously lacking not only the technical know-how, but obviously, any forward-facing vision. Not a German geschichtsddiaktische publication is available digitally. does not have a history of educational journals their previous issues made fully available online. What have Nature and Science for parts of the natural sciences already possible is not even announced in this country. That still the case, it is certain that counteract the established institutions of insignificance. Committed democratic scientists can not put up with for some time that they get permits to new releases no direct paperless and immediate access. And it is not even considered that the simple digitization of past print content to the principles of networking and multimedia, so new reading habits, yet only primitive actions would be. It would probably take, if the publishers their position risked, but not if they slept so well as the connectivity of published knowledge for years.
No one can say how the future may look humanities publishing. But anyone can see that the current situation needs of scientists and technical capabilities of the network of documents inadequate. No text is in line with the networks to allow for themselves, without comments and observations. No matter how powerful blockade of the publishers will prevent the long term the Crosslinked and access to expertise. The Post publishing culture has left the starting blocks long ago.
In the seminar, we ask ourselves, therefore, the question of how these needs could we know for instant access to justice, the role that publishers play and what benefits to offer networked digital texts by scientists.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Wooden Clock Bleuprint
I admit I was a bit confused when I heard about 1378km . This is a computer game, developed by the student Jens Stober of the State University of Design in Karlsruhe. As the time commented in detail is it is a simulation in which the player can either take the perspective of a refugee wall and a shooter. The planned announcement for 3rd October, however, called forth such a large (and critical) media coverage that you chose that game to bring out at a later date. The University, whose rector, the renowned philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, has commented on the events in detail .