Thursday, April 29, 2010

Honeywell Lockbox Wont Open

Friday, 07/05/2010, Clock 19: Reading and discussion

Hans-Hendrik Grimmling reads from his autobiography:
"the reeducation of birds: a painter living"
(Central German Publishers, 2008)

288 pages, hardback m. Shu, zahlr. Fig
ISBN 978-3-89812-543-7

He's too wild, he smashes everything. "
Wolfgang Matt Heuer, 1999

It is the surprising, unconventional look of a nonconformist artist, painter, thinker with rebellious temperament and intellectual restlessness with the Sprite his career from its beginnings in the first studio in the small Saxon town Zwenkau tells about his first drawing lessons in Leipzig, where suggests itself for him at a young age the "fate of art" and he turns away later with dark, startling bird metaphors of the realism of the "Leipzig School". "In the circle of artists" tangent is co-founder of the legendary Grimmling »1 Leipzig Autumn Salon ", a semi-legal exhibition in the house on the market in 1984, a milestone of inappropriate East German art history, which is classified by the East German authorities as a "counterrevolutionary."
1986 came from Sprite to West Berlin, where he feels like a "wet bird that falls into the wall." He describes the difficult new beginning in the West, portraying artist friends and companions, his experience recapitulates the "German-German Bilderstreit" thoughtful and determined individual artistic positions.
described from the perspective of one of the main protagonists, illuminates this little-known chapter book of memories including the alternative Leipzig art scene of the eighties.

"Sprite has managed an unobtrusive self-portrait, always looking for happiness and the lost paradise. He leaves the usual beaten track, falls sometimes between all fronts, and yet he invites you to the joy of flying. "
Christ Läpple, ZDF broadcast aspects, 05.12.2008

» Grimmling visual language allows the reader to dive into the maelstrom of lifestyle seventies in East Germany. The circle of misfits who were starving away from the socialist daily, and yet marked them for life. The reader encounters here quickly forgotten recent German history, which fuses with the vivid biography of the artist. "
Hannelore Offner in the Rheinische Merkur, 13 November 2008

"A very personal book that wants to go beyond navel-gazing."
Berliner Morgenpost, 28 August 2008

"Fortunately, much more than the usual artist's feelings and vanities. 'Re-education of the birds' represents a piece of German-German history. "
Michael Zajonz, Daily Mirror, 1 April 2008

The artist Hans-Hendrik Grimm
Ling, born in 1947 in Zwenkau in Leipzig, studied painting at the 1969 Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, then at the School of Visual Arts Leipzig. By the representatives of the Leipziger School, "influenced, he developed into their antipodes. 1986 departure to West Berlin, since 2006 he is professor at the Berlin Technical School of Art.

The co-author
Doris Liebermann, born in 1953 in Thuringia, was expatriated by the Biermann's expatriation with the so-called "anti-state group of Jena," about the writer Jürgen Fuchs to West Berlin. Studied Eastern European history and Slavic studies. Since 1983 she has worked as a writer for radio, television and newspapers.

(Text: Courtesy of the Central German Publisher)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dimensions Of Monopoly Title Deed Cards

Dominik Wagenfuhr: "The focus of the magazine is free, as the name suggests, open source."

Dominik Wagenfuhr is the Executive Editor of free magazine, a monthly in PDF and HTML formats appearing magazine about free software, open source and Linux reports ( ) . in ). It should summarize the most interesting Ikhaya first announcement of last month. Very fast but also articles were published in the news portal could not be accommodated.

disappeared with time, the summary of news, and more and more articles were submitted by volunteer authors. Over the years it has also been concentrating on Ubuntu weakened somewhat, as most instructions are also valid for other distributions and we wanted to offer the non-Ubuntu users an interesting read. The focus of the magazine is free, as the name suggests, for freedom, that free software and open source. We limit us but not completely sure because there are some good proprietary solutions on Linux, to facilitate the work enormously. We want to give priority so all Linux users interesting and helpful articles and do not necessarily convert Windows users by any sermons. Experience has shown that the normal user of a proprietary operating system with this kind of talk the jitters.

in ) because I care about very many topics. This begins with PR (like this interview, for example) and advertising inquiries, then proceeds to the contact with readers and authors, and ends in communication with team members. How much time our employees put into the magazine, is up to you , although must of course be appreciated that someone actually cooperates in a team. The team is divided into editorial (for communication to the outside and inside and the organization of the article), the typesetters and layout artists, and share an article, and finally the proof-examine the articles on style, grammar and spelling. There is also a single item for future Linux and IT events, which we list every month. I spend per week depending on work arising (in the week before the publication of an issue more often) at least 10 hours in the creation and maintenance of the magazine. in even greater proliferation of free magazine by devices such as the iPad, which make the reading of "non-print media" even more comfortable?
Dominik Wagenfuhr: free magazine has supported since January 2008 mobile devices (
). Since then we published alongside the PDF version or a more simplified and graphically not as strongly conditioned HTML version of the magazine. This may be the one to read while traveling on a PDA / cell phone with no problems, but also easily convert into an e-Book-compatible format. This is the PDF for the three-column set and the formatting sometimes a little difficult. Whether devices like the iPad to a larger help spread the magazine will tell. Certainly that the reading of electronic data is much easier road to bus and train.

in direct employees of the magazine in the form of sentence or correction, we do not offer. We usually write from the places where we need new people in the team. Currently, however, would be a support in the area and Layout "certainly not bad. in want to write for a particular distribution, but write the article as neutral distribution (to the extent permitted by the subject).