Monday, August 9, 2010

Gym Equipment Templates


Forum for contemporary ceramics

Antje Scharfe (2010)

Model kitchen is an exhibition project in 2007 founded the Forum for contemporary ceramics. The forum is the free association of women potters, the graduates of the University of Art and Design (Giebichenstein), in Halle an der Saale to live and work. With the forum they have created a platform for internal self-understanding, but above all a publicity platform for the presentation and discussion of current topics and issues of artistic ceramics. In the exhibition catalog writes Renate Luckner-Bien: "The central theme model kitchen Ute Brade, Imke Freiberg, Ina Jaenicke, Claudia Kline, Miriam Littmann, Ute Lohse, Marie-Luise Meyer, Judith Runge and Antje Scharfe the fact that ceramics - to quote Kishon - with the 'second most beautiful thing in the world', has to do with food. In the family context, the kitchen still the nurturing, warmth-giving and community-building site. Here is the fire, through the clay and china have so this can become ceramics. But this kitchen is not cooking. The patterns are of no practical value. "

Forum for contemporary ceramics

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Penice Check Femal Doctor

GTUG Campout Worldwide

The GTUG Campout in Munich takes place in lovely books on 14/15ten August ab 9:30 Uhr.

Mehr Informationen und die Anmeldung findet ihr unter