Monday, November 8, 2010

Can I Buy Cakes On My Lonestar Card

From a to review the blog took off - and thus failed

excitement interested in the historical part of small town blogger. It's not really a question of whether a blog should arrogate to rate other blogs and distribute the predicate reading. It is more about how he does it. And if the reviews are adequate resources for it.
exactly what has made the blog time divers Christian Jung namely the task. In his blog he lists some famous historical scientific blog, written reviews to which his students (and probably write will be). So far so good. Is it that? Reviews to blogs? Yes of course one must. Only: Reviews Are you really a suitable species? Scientific reviews are important times for Audience and reviewed author. They also follow a clear set of rules: the release is to be measured and their scientific approach and scientific value. While books peer reviewed and thus naturally gives the audience a valuable insight into publications, blogs are, after all, and to assess anything else. They are just not consistent holistic publication on a particular topic under a specific question. The lyrics are sometimes just a bit longer and do not necessarily contain scientific content, but rather, it notes, links, opinions. Some see it as a diary, comment on current events or debate linked in other Blogs. Or like this: the platform of a blog as an accompanying event and over and over again but also beyond boundaries. Is it enough for it not to note worth reading blogs in the blogroll? His colleagues awarded by histnet long been the title "Blog of the Month " and thus signal: We find this and that worth reading and recommend it. But they miss other blogs no stamp a là "Unblog of the Month".

As the reviewers have to censor

If in a small village moves out other bloggers to review, then it is hardly surprising that he is thus exposed to great resentment. This is also done here. Daniel Eisenmenger reported still somewhat amused by the discussion in the comment column, asking for clear guidelines for the reviews of blogs.
Karl Schneider links the dispute with a thoughtfully-amused "Well then .
Klaus Graf from the highly appreciated Archivalia blog, however the responsible reviewers called a "lousy censor." Because apparently, it suggests Graf's record, they were not willing to dive time, the critical comments to their own work just left to accept, as had been previously published critical reviews. Christian Jung comments that the has now completely closed true, hence me something thoughtful.

Disclosure: This blog has not yet been reviewed.


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