Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Do You Know Your Ring Worm Is Healing

entry of the speakers to session 4: Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan is one of the most influential media theorist of the 20th Century. His works are considered as basic as revolutionary viewed and discussed in media studies today. Already during his lifetime, McLuhan was a known and present in the mass media. And to this day - thirty Years after his death - is revered by many as almost a second in his field.
match the presentation we have therefore here an annotated list of links compiled that would facilitate an overview.
A very detailed, German language website about Marshall McLuhan is from the University of Toronto, McLuhan taught at since 1946. There is clear and nice to read posts on the subject biography, philosophy, influences, theories, heirs, and culture critics. Remarkably, we find the article that shows the influences on McLuhan's the Hollywood blockbuster The Matrix (1999).
The German Wikipedia provides an overview of this entry in the person Marshall McLuhan and his ideas and works. Also there can be an extensive list of English-and German-related links.
The Ikon magazine published an article on McLuhan, who deals in detail with his reputation. This is a quote from John Miller to reason, who wrote in 1971: "It has sometimes been said that Marshall McLuhan's most impressive achievement is his reputation." Read value!
is under a similar premise to deal with Frank Hartmann McLuhan. McLuhan called it as "Magician of the media age" and also addresses current perspectives.
Two important theories of Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Message "and" Global Village "- explain the" network drivers "on their side. The texts are short and understandable.
a rather unorthodox approach delivers Marcus Klug of the University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf in this text, in which especially "The Medium is the Message" is explained well understood in the form of a theory of dialogue.
A short and inspiring text about McLuhan's influence in today's digital age Eric Schnell, Professor of Ohio State University and written on his blog made available.
McLuhan was not only praise but also criticism of his contemporaries bestowed. Some reasons for this is called the marine biologist and ethologist Hans Hass in the appendix of his dissertation in 1970.
created in 1967 Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore and Jerome Agel an audio version of McLuhan's "The Medium is the Massage". Here, an attempt was made to transfer the disparate images of a TV show into a sound format.
Finally, the reference to the wiki on the topic "Digital Revolution" is mentioned. Here it is in the coming weeks, detailed summaries and explanations about Marshall McLuhan, his life, his main thesis, its impact and to give criticism of him. This wiki is under to find .


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